Sprachlos - Wenn plötzlich die Worte fehlen – Speechless – When words suddenly fail

Sprachlos - Wenn plötzlich die Worte fehlen – Speechless – When words suddenly fail (2008 / 3sat / 45 Min.)
Just how important language is for us we only realise when it is suddenly gone. The syndrome is called aphasia and it does not only mean a loss of the power of speech, but also of the ability to comprehend the spoken word. Finding words, pronouncing them, being able to name objects, understanding sentences, or phrasing questions: all this can be partly or completely no longer possible. The cause of aphasia is brain damage, induced either by a stroke, or by brain injuries. Filmmaker Reinhard Schädler accompanied an affected patient and her family for six months. The film conveys an impression of the deep social and psychological significance of human language and displays the state of neurological linguistic research.